Diamond Fork Fall Family Session

Utah’s weather has always been and will always be unpredictable! When the forecast showed a high chance of rain for this family’s evening session, I suggested moving it up to the morning. That meant a change in plans and chilly morning air. The S family were troopers in making it work out and their session turned out beautiful! The cloudy sky added to the soft colors of fall, and the rain held off until right after we finished. I won’t mention how the evening ended up being mostly sunny and definitely not rainy. Like I said, Utah has unpredictable weather!

It was great meeting the S family! We have mutual friends through family members and it almost felt like we already knew each other. Their kids are at great ages with fun personalities. We absolutely love spending our time in such beautiful locations with amazing people! This morning was one of those wonderful times. Enjoy a few of our favorites from their session.